Senin, 25 Mei 2009

SOULFLY - Prophecy

ini grup musik hard core yang paling aq sukai...."viva max cavalera"

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Kesaksian Tebu

Jam menunjukkan pukul 09.30 hampir siang, dua anak datang menemui seorang bapak guru di ruangannya. Salah satu dari keduanya mengklaim bahwa hp-nya ada pada anak yang kedua, sekarang ia kelas 3. Sedangkan anak yang pertama adalah anak kelas 1 yang baru pindah dari sekolah lain.
Anak kedua membantah, “Pak, saya tidak pernah melihat anak ini dan saya tidak pernah merasa dititipi apa-apa.”

Bapak guru bertanya kepada si pengadu, “di mana engkau titipkan hp-mu kepada anak ini?.”

“Di ladang tebu disebuah desa pak,” jawabnya mantap.

Pak guru berpikir sebentar dan kemudian ia berkata,”Pergilah dan ambil 3 helai dari daun tebu itu untuk kujadikan saksi. Mereka akan mengatakan yang sebenarnya kepadaku.”

Si pengadu kemudian pergi mengambil daun tebu itu sambil berjalan kaki sementara si terdakwa duduk menunggu. Pak guru meneruskan pekerjaannya mengoreksi tugas-tugas siswa yang menumpuk. Di tengah lalu –lalang guru-guru yang lainnya dan pada saat si terdakwa lengah, tiba-tiba pak guru menoleh kepadanya dan bertanya,”Apakah adik kelasmu sudah sampai ke ladang tebu itu?”

“Belumlah pak, ia masih belum sampai,” jawabnya.

Pak guru berkata, “Kalau kau tidak kenal dan tidak pernah merasa di titipi olehnya di ladang tebu, lalu dari mana kau tahu jarak ladang tebu itu dekat atau jauh?”

Kontan saja si terdakwa pun terdiam dan sangat malu kedoknya sudah terbongkar. Dengan rasa sayang, pak guru berbicara dengannya sampai ia mengaku. Pada saat si pengadu kembali membawa daun, Pak guru berkata kepadanya, “Sebelum engkau datang, daun-daunmu telah bersaksi dan masalahmu sudah diatasi.”

Kemudian terdakwa lalu membawa si pengadu ke rumahnya dan menyerahkan hp- miliknya kepada si pengadu.

Dari sini dapat kita petik hikmahnya bahwa sepandai-pandainya kita menyimpan bangkai pasti akan tercium juga bau busuk dari bangkai tersebut. Bubur kacang ijo,( eh….itu mah jujur….) sekarang ini menjadi sesuatu yang sangat langka sekali keberadaannya, sampai-sampai ada slogan, siapa jujur pati dech! Akan hancur. Jadi banyak sekali orang berlomba-lomba untuk menghalalkan segala cara demi menuruti hawa nafsu dunia. Ibaratnya seperti batang pohon bamboo, jikalau batangnya lurus pasti akan cepat di tebang. Tapi jika batangnya bengkok, tidak ada orang yang mau memotongnya.
Banyak orang yang jalannya lurus alias jujur, eh… malah cepat meninggal dari pada orang yang bengkok-bengkok saja, lebih lama meninggalnya. Mungkin Tuhan memberikan mereka umur yang lebih panjang agar mereka bisa bertaubat


Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


stress management

Bad Habits causing Stress

When a person has bad habits, you can bet that this person will have stress throughout their lifetime. For example, if a person smokes cigarettes it increases the vitals functioning capabilities, which gradually affects the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. An autopsy will tell if a person smoked or not when the person is opened up. If the person was, a smoker it will show on the body’s organs and the person’s lungs will be black. Now we know that a person’s internal organs are pinkish and when black is current then problems occurred in the person’s life. When a person has problems, stress is obviously overwhelming. Likewise, if a person drinks heavily it affects the central nervous system and reduces a person’s ability to cope with stress. Heavy drinkers put their self in harm’s way by destroying the body and potential going to jail in the future. As you can see, bad habits can cause stress and will cause stress. When a person is born, they are often healthy and if this person avoids bad habits that cause harm then the person’s life will be rewarding. If you are free of chemicals and substances that can cause you harm you will have the ability to make good decisions that offers you a successful future. Eating too much is also a bad habit that needs modified. If a person overeats regularly and avoiding exercise then this person is subject to obesity, heart failure, strokes, diabetes and so forth. We see this causes problems and problems are one of the elements that cause our stress to increase. One of the obvious bad habits that create potential dangers is stress itself. When a person is lacking the ability to manage his or her life and becomes stress every time an expectation presents itself then this bad habit too can cause harm to the body. Coping means we have the ability to manage our lives successfully without creating stressors that cause our stress to increase. Minimizing stressors can help us to live a more productive lifestyle and provide us hope when times are hard to deal with. It is never easy to eliminate a bad habit since it is obviously a ritual, but it is possible to work toward reducing and finally eliminating the habits that cause us stress. If you are use to smoking a cigarette after each meal then tell your self that today you are going to drink water instead of smoking after a meal. If you drink coffee and it opens your smoking cravings up, then start drinking orange juice, milk or some other healthy beverage. If you are a heavy drinker, tell your self every day that you are worth saving. Sit down and review with your self the many problems you are facing and if some are less severe than others are. If you are often late paying your bills then you know that this is a problem, so you will need to learn and practice paying your bills on time. When you do not pay your bills on time, late charges occur or shut-off notices following. As you can see, we all cause a lot of our own problems, which initiates stress. Sitting down and evaluating our situation and decisions can help bring forth rewards by seeing the problems we created and learning how to eliminate the problems in our lives. For example if you are often late for work then you know you have a bad habit that can cost you your job. You may think that loosing your job is not a problem, since someone else will hire you, but loosing your job is not the only problem in the picture. If you continue to adhere to your behaviors by being late for work, you are going to get a bad repetition with businesses. Business owners talk amongst other owners. Now you can permanent displacement is potential, poverty, potential crime, and so forth. We are adding to the list of problems by ignoring or not accepting that our bad habits are the leading cause of uncontrolled stress. Our decisions are at the top of the list that determines if our stress is overwhelming or not.